It’s April… and it just so happens to be the first Wednesday of the month, so you know that means it’s time for a special #WCW – Author Edition

If you’ve been here and following me for a while you’ll already know what that means, but if you’re new here, WELCOME!! I’m happy to have you join me, especially on an WCW where I sit down with a fellow author and get to pick their mind on all things writing. We also throw a little fun in the chat because I’m random like that lol. 

I’m really excited to share this month’s chat. I got to talk with Cynthia Rodriguez and I’m so excited to share our conversation.


Since reading her stories and following her via social media, I’ve come to see her as an author who uses her pen to write beautiful diverse character driven stories. I appreciate her genuine advocacy diverse authors and stories who not only writes amazing books but jumps at the chance to vocalize the WHY behind the necessity for these stories and variety. If you haven’t read her books yet, I hope you feel pulled to them after this interview.

Enough with my rambling.

Let’s chat…


Thanks for taking the time to chat today, Cynthia! 

Let’s talk all about your writing style first… 

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

CR: I started reading at such a young age. My uncle used to sit me down and have me read from a thick book, just to stare at me in awe over my ability to pronounce the “big words.” And from there, I fell in love with stories.

I think I always hoped to have a deeper love affair with words. I admired the ability to create something that evoked emotions in strangers. So I think I always wanted to be a writer. But when I genuinely started? Back in 2013, when I deployed. It was my now-or-never, do-or-die kind of moment.

How do you handle writer’s block?

CR: Writer’s block is inevitable, but I allow myself grace to take a break if I’m not finding that sweet spot. Also, I try writing another scene and if that works out, doubling back. I think writer’s block (for me) tends to be a plot issue. Something just isn’t working.

What comes first, the plot or characters?

CR: It varies from story to story.

Where is your favorite place to write?

CR: There’s nothing like writing at my desk. But since having a baby, I sneak in words on the bed while she’s asleep or on the couch.

Do you prefer writing in silence or to music?

CR: I used to need music but now when I write intense scenes, I lean more toward silence.

How much ‘world building’ takes place before you start writing?

CR: I only just started plotting my stories, so I’d say not too much.

How do you deal with emotional impact of a book (on yourself) as you are writing the story?

CR: I don’t know that I keep it. Most of what I write are personal experiences. So majority of the time, the emotional toll is actually a release for me.

How do you come up with the titles to your books? 

CR: Pen and paper. This is also what I do for synopses. Something about writing it out just works.

Do you find it more challenging to write the first book in a series or to write the subsequent novels?

CR: Okay, so I can’t do a dedicated series. I tried that and only got two books in. I’m much better with connected standalones. The Guiding Series, for instance, has a different main character for each book. And because I get to experience different stories, it helps to break up the monotony. So I guess I don’t know how to answer the question other than to say all of it is hard in different ways.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

CR: Written? No idea. Published? I still am not sure. I think eight since I removed two from publication and rereleased a few of them. My favorite? It’s a tie between EVOL and Teofila’s Guide to Saving the Sun.

Do you have a favorite character that you have written? If so, who? And what makes them special?

CR: I think Teofila because she is a lot like me. She is my love of my culture, my lack of complete identity, my heartache, and my hopeful spirit.

If you were to genre-hop, which genre would you most like to try?

CR: Well, I’ve done dark romance and dabbled in paranormal romance. I like to think I’m limitless but I don’t know how true that is. As far as what I’d like to try next…maybe romantic suspense?

Which of your books was most enjoyable to write?

CR: The Sound of Serendipity. It was a NaNoWriMo project and I wrote it so quickly! It’s so light and sexy and I definitely had fun with it.

If you had to recommend one of your books to a new reader, which would you recommend?

CR: EVOL. I think it’s my strongest work and it’s so personal. But I think the fact that it’s written in reverse throws people off.



What was your dream job when you were younger?

CR: A veterinarian!

Favorite artist and favorite song?

CR: This is an impossible question. I love LEON, Verite, Muna…just to name a few artists.

Share something your readers wouldn’t know about you?

CR: I don’t think I share a lot online so there’s so much to choose from. Um…I can’t swim lol.


The Scoop on


Can you share something about your current book that isn’t in the blurb?

CR: I’ve put a lot of my personal experiences with my divorce and motherhood in it. I think it will resonate with a lot of women.

What was the inspiration for the story?

CR: I think becoming a mother really made it happen. Something about it wasn’t clicking with me until I did.

Do you write while listening to music? If so, what music inspired or accompanied this current book?

CR: I have a playlist!

What is the future of the characters? Will there be a sequel?

CR: This is the third book in a series of standalones and is also interconnected to another book of mine, EVOL. I have two more books left in the series. As with my other characters, I’m sure they’ll pop up in other stories/series of mine.

If you had to describe the main character in THREE words, what would those three words be?

CR: Stubborn. Strong. Fragile.


Favorite book when you were a kid?

CR: This is going to sound so pretentious, but A Tree Grows in Brooklyn was my favorite. I think I related a lot to the main character in her struggle to find her place and having to grow from a certain level of poverty. Even some of the darkness she was exposed to.

Favorite book you’ve read as an adult?

CR: It Ends With Us is seriously up there. I don’t think I’ve been that taken by a story in so long.

What famous author do you wish would be your mentor?

CR: Ha! Hell, probably Colleen Hoover.


Would you rather be in a room full of snakes or a room full of spiders?

Snakes. I’m way better with snakes than I am with spiders.

Would you rather have an endless summer or an endless winter?

Jeez. Um…winter? I prefer to bundle up than sweat my ass off.

Would you rather always be an hour early or be constantly twenty minutes late?

Twenty minutes late, for sure.

Tea or Coffee

Neither lol.

Movie or Book


Coke or Pepsi



Share a photo of a character inspiration 

I’ll share a Pinterest board, if that’s okay? It’s for my current WIP

Thanks so much for talking with me today, Cynthia!


Be sure to hop by Cynthia’s social media, give her a like, check out her books,

and tell her Santana sent you!