It’s the first Wednesday of the month, so you know that means it’s time for a special #WCW – Author Edition

If you’re new here, every month I sit down with a fellow author and we talk about books, creating and all sorts of writer life things.  

And for this month, I’m shining the spotlight on author T. Ashley!  

Let’s get into the chat, shall we?


Thanks for taking the time to chat today! 

Let’s talk all about your writing style first… 

SB: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? 

TA: I was always a writer so to speak. Good at writing papers throughout school years. It wasn’t until like seventh grade that I caught the bug. Then high school happened and I just focused on getting out of dodge. It wasn’t until I took a playwriting class in college my sophomore/junior year and my professor basically told me I didn’t need to be doing anything else.

SB: How do you handle writer’s block?

TA: I don’t handle it very well. I just let it run its course. I’m suffering from it big time. I guess I try to figure out what it is that is preventing me from not being able to write and if I can’t fix it, then I just let myself be. It usually is just me putting too much pressure on myself.

SB: What comes first, the plot or characters?

 TA: Eight times out of ten – characters.

SB: Where is your favorite place to write?

TA: In bed.

SB: Do you prefer writing in silence or to music? 

TA: Definitely with music. There has to be some kind of background noise…usually to distract me from my children.


SB: How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

TA: Four books and featured in one anthology. Oh…my…I would have to say Miss Agnes is Missing. Probably because it’s my newest baby. 

SB: Who is your favorite character that you have written? If so, who? And what makes them special. 

TA: It’s actually a character that I am working on right now. Her name is Celeste and she is from my upcoming book Capturing Celeste. She is giving me the hardest time because she is me on paper. Or who I see myself most like. There is a little bit of all of our characters in us, but she is the one that I had to stop and go: “Oh, okay, Celeste… I see you seeing me.” But she’s special. I like to think I am too. 

SB: Which of your books was most enjoyable to write?

TA: Sight Undone. I was free writing that one. It was all me and I only had to listen to my editor on that one. There weren’t any outside influences steering my story in any direction. I could just write and enjoy writing. 

SB: Where do you get your inspiration?

TA: My children. Who am I to tell them that they can live their dreams if I’m not living mine? They are a reflection of me and I of them, so I want to be the best me for them to in turn be the best them.

SB: If you had to recommend one of your books to a new reader, which would you recommend?

TA: Miss Agnes is Missing. This one is a good one. I hope to continue this storyline in the future.

SB: How much ‘world building’ takes place before you start writing?

TA: Not much. I’m a pantser so it happens during. Or late at night when I can’t sleep.

SB: How do you deal with the emotional impact of a book (on yourself) as you are writing the story?

TA: I like to let myself feel as if I was the reader. Because I want them to feel to. And I like to let all the emotions be a big part of my words…or I hope they are. So, I let them happen. I let them sting. I’m a cancer…I can’t help it.

SB: How do you come up with the titles to your books? 

TA: They usually come to me in dreams. Titles are my favorite part of the writing process and I almost always have a title before I began writing.

SB: Do you find it more challenging to write the first book in a series or to write the subsequent novels?

TA: The subsequent novels. I put way too much pressure on myself for it to be better than the last. I probably should stop writing series because of this, but I love writing them at the same time. It sucks. 


What was your dream job when you were younger?

TA: I wanted to be a Broadway star.

Favorite artist and favorite song?

TA: GooGoo Dolls – Iris

Share something your readers wouldn’t know about you?

TA: I am insanely social awkward and a lot shy.

Who was your first celebrity crush? 

TA: Justin Timberlake

Who is your current celebrity crush?

TA: Michael B. Jordan


The Scoop on


SB: Can you share something about your current book that isn’t in the blurb?

TA: Celeste is everything I hope I am and everything I wish to be. This story is about self-discovery, self-love and self-confidence…and a dab of steam…okay, probably a lot of steam. 

SB: Are there any secrets from the book, you can share with readers?

TA: Be kind to yourself. That’s the ultimate message.

SB: What was the inspiration for the story?

TA: I am. I was once asked if I could write a character about myself, would I… My initial answer was a sure and confident no. However, me being me, went home and thought about what I would be like on paper. Or who I would hope that would like. Then BAM…this cover came across my screen in a Facebook group. That! That is what I would want someone representing me to look like…the rest is history. Hopefully.

SB: Do you write listening to music? If so, what music inspired or accompanied this current book?

TA: I sure do. Jazmine Sullivan’s latest album Heaux Tales is on repeat. There may be two characters names Jazmine and Sullivan…lol

SB: What is the future of the characters? Will there be a sequel?

TA: My goal is to always write standalones, so I’m not sure. Stories and characters have a mind of their own. Also, there is a character in this book who is in another book of mine…this is something I enjoy doing with my non-paranormal books. 


Favorite book when you were a kid?

TA: Rapture of Cannan by Sherri Reynolds…probably was way too young when I read it, but so good.

Favorite book you’ve read as an adult?

TA: Eek! Don’t make me pick. I will say in the last year the best book I’ve read is Wings of Ebony by J. Elle

What famous author do you wish would be your mentor?

TA: Oof…Terri McMillian, Eric Jerome Dickey (may he rest in peace) and Colleen Hoover. I know…only one, but they all could offer me something different.


Would you rather be in a room full of snakes or a room full of spiders?

TA: Insert large, shocked eyes emoji…snakes 

Would you rather have an endless summer or an endless winter?

TA: Is this a hot hot summer or a cold cold winter? Lol winter

Would you rather always be an hour early or be constantly twenty minutes late?

TA: Early. Being late gives me anxiety.

Movie or Book

TA: Book

Toilet Paper: Over or Under

TA: Over

Paperback or EBook

TA: EBook

Thanks so much for talking with me today, T. Ashley!


Be sure to hop by T’s social media, give her a like, check out her books,

and tell her Santana sent you!