It’s the first Wednesday of the month, so you know that means it’s time for a special #WCW – Author Edition

Every month I sit down with an author pal and we talk books, writing, and other random things. This month I’m shining the spotlight on Dee Ellis. 


Thanks for taking the time to stop by and chat, Dee!  

Let’s talk all about your writing style first… 

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

DE: I started writing poetry and short stories in junior high, so very young. Never dreamed I could actually do it, but here I am.

How do you handle writer’s block?

DE: I NEVER force it. If the words don’t come, I wait it out. I write down ideas or do author housework [Update website, do back matter, etc] or outline other projects. I wait for the words to come back. Thankfully, they always do.

What comes first, the plot or characters?

DE: Depends on how inspiration hits. Usually for me, the story first. The characters talk themselves to life as the story goes on.

Where is your favorite place to write?

DE: My home office. Makes me feel very professional haha. But I spend a lot of time at my day job writing. Thankfully my job is cool with it.

Do you prefer writing in silence or to music?

DE: Sometimes with music playlists I make just for the stories and sometimes with ambient sounds like rain. That works WONDERS!

How much ‘world building’ takes place before you start writing?

DE: I write PNR as well, so that is a whole world creation before the words start but my current works are all kind of tied together, same towns/area so the worlds are pretty well created.

How do you deal with the emotional impact of a book (on yourself) as you are writing the story?

DE: Oh man, sometimes I have written something with tears in my eyes. That’s the BEST feeling. I know I’m doing something right then, and that’s a good feels. And I always hope that impacts readers the same way.

How do you come up with the titles to your books?

DE: Titles are a weakness for me. Sometimes it just comes to me and makes sense for the story, sometimes it’s tied to a holiday or overall theme, sometimes its just something fun the characters say or do with one another. 

Do you find it more challenging to write the first book in a series or to write the subsequent novels?

DE: Most of mine are series that are standalones, so I think the first one, setting that up, is the most difficult. To set up the characters who will be coming and create the world right. But I love that challenge.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

DE: I think I am sitting at 45? And my favorite changes all the time, but the one closest to my heart is probably End Game. Or Mustang Maverick. 

Which of your books was most enjoyable to write?

DE: Well, I love doing them all, but I had fun with my 80s themed one, When I Think of You. So much I think I will do more!

Where do you get your inspiration?

DE: Everywhere! A song, a scene in a movie, dreams. I just had a dream that I think will totally make a great 80s story!

If you had to recommend one of your books to a new reader, which would you recommend?

DE: I would recommend my very first book, Let It Burn, it’s a true show of my style, even though I write a lot of shorts and it’s a bit on the longer side!

Where can readers find out more about you and your books?

DE/; My website has all my current releases and I’m hoping to start updating with blog posts! Website: Dee Ellis Author


What was your dream job when you were younger?

DE: This. This is it, writing books, telling stories. 

What’s your favorite food?

DE: Pasta! I could eat just about any kind almost every day. Bad for me, but eh. 

Share something your readers wouldn’t know about you?

DE: I seem really shy and I AM, but once you get to know me, I never stop talking—always telling stories—and I love everyone. 





Facebook:  Author Page  


Reader Group:  Dee’s Dolls  


Instagram: @ AuthorDeeEllis  


 Twitter: @ AuthorDeeEllis   


The Scoop on


Can you share something about your current book that isn’t in the blurb?

DE: It is set in a fictional town that I dreamed up called Paris Isle and it will be used in future shorts.

Are there any secrets from the book, you can share with readers?

DE: It’s a single dad story but I wanted to do it with a twist, so it’s not your typical single dad story because people can become parents all kinds of ways.

What is the future of the characters? Will there be a sequel?

DE: There is ALWAYS the option of a sequel or more to come. This is, as all my books are, a HEA but there is always more to tell, including more babies or more happiness!

If you had to describe the main character in THREE words, what would those three words be?

DE: Sweet, Hot, and Daddy!

If your book was going to be made into a movie, who are the celebrities that would star in it?

DE: Thomas Beaudoin would totally be my Stiles and maybe…Rachael Taylor as my Sidnee


Who is your favorite author and why?

DE: I love Frankie Love and Alexa Riley because I love their style, their covers, their strong themes and I always know what I am getting. Sweet, Sexy, and Strong men with lovable ladies!

What are you reading now?

DE: Edits! The last book I read though was Jessa York’s Zero Pucks Given and I loved it!

Who is the author you most admire in your genre?

DE: Hands down Frankie Love! I have worked with her and her hustle is just so hard, she knows what she wants and how to get it. I aspire to be that focused and driven. 

Favorite book when you were a kid?

DE: The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. I always felt like I understood the Greasers and it really spoke to me with all the depth of characters. 

What famous author do you wish would be your mentor?

DE: Pretty sure this is crystal clear but Frankie Love. I’ve learned a lot from her but man, I would give just about anything to have her on speed dial so I can ask her what I’m doing right or wrong. 


Would you rather be in a room full of snakes or a room full of spiders?

DE: Spiders!

Would you rather have an endless summer or an endless winter?

DE: Endless Summer!

Would you rather always be an hour early or be constantly twenty minutes late?

DE: Oh man…early!

Tea or Coffee

DE: Coffee

Coke or Pepsi

DE: Pepsi

Toilet Paper: Over or Under

DE: Over

City or Country 

DE: Country


Share a playlist:

DE: For my 80s Baby, When I Think of You 


Thanks so much for talking with me today, Dee!


Be sure to hop by Dee’s social media, give her a like, check out her books,

and tell her Santana sent you!